If we continue to vote for the already established parties, then we will of course only get more of the same after the next election. And the next one after that.
If we want a real change, then we really have to our change our own behavior at the ballot boxes and instead of choosing another political party choose a democratic party instead.
Folkstyret, voted into a Parliamentary Assembly, passes each decision on to a representative sample of the citizens to whom the decision applies. They first form a well-founded view and then answer what they think about the proposal on a five-degree scale.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.Albert Einstein
Folkstyret finds out the statically normal, well-thought-out, opinion on the issue, the one which most people can agree with, and then vote accordingly in Parliament.
If you belong to all those who have statistically normal views (in fact most of us have, which is of course why they are statistically normal) then you will be better represented by Folkstyret than by any other party. The different political parties represent the special interests of different political elites. Folkstyret always represents the largest special interest there is – the public interest.